Teaching art is an opportunity to do more than making crafts. Art educators have the chance to empower young minds with the inspiration of past masters and learn lifelong skills to create their artwork. We have the opportunity to instill the gift of humanities.
Art History lessons for students K-12 linking to the Visual National Arts Standards and personal projects. A quick outline can be an excellent reference for a class or easy preparation for a sub. Adjust as you see fit for your age group and situation – in the classroom or at home. Empower students with the artist’s personal history, artwork, challenges, and successes.
Easy-to-refer-to Art Lessons
- One-Page Art Lesson
- Artist
- Literature (where applicable)
- Project Overview
- Vocabulary
- Can Do Statement
- National Visual Arts Standards
- Elements of Art / Principles of Design
- Supplies
- Slideshow
- Avery sticker labels for project reference