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U.S.A. Art History Warm-up

How do you make every minute count? Starting class with a warm-up can help students switch gears and begin thinking of art. Have a prompt projected on a screen before each class. As students file in, they begin their warm-up. This allows for the teacher to take roll and help with a few student situations. The U.S.A. Art History Warm-ups focus on art and artists in all 50 states. Take 3-5 minutes a day to discuss the amazing and unique art found in the U.S.A. that you wouldn’t be able to squeeze in your curriculum otherwise.

U.S.A. Art Warm-up Book
U.S.A. Art Warm-up Book

Project one prompt daily for the students at the beginning of each class. As needed “freeze” the projected screen to take roll. Briefly describe the prompt as needed and give students 3-4 minutes to respond. Take 1-minute to point out, summarize, review, or do a partner share. Give class announcements and begin lesson for the day. Pass in warm-up journals and store in the designated spot when work-time begins. The individual slides can be edited.

Keep warm-up books organized by tables so one person per table distributes them, and one person puts them away per table, relieving student congestion and maximizing time.

Warm-up Book Storage Side Labels
Warm-up Book Storage Side Labels

Student Work of Warm-up Book Examples & Grading

Student work quality will vary, but here are some examples of finished pages. My students earn 1-point for each day if they have spent the entire time working. Some might receive 1/2-point if it is only partially done. Grade each Friday asking students to leave the workbooks open on each side. Walk around with a clipboard and mark scores. Close the work-book once it’s been graded so it’s easy to know what has not been scored.

Download Files for U.S.A. Art Warm-Ups & PowerPoints

There are many zip files to download to get all of the slides. There is one file for the printable book. Click on each link to get all of the information.

USA Warm-up Book Slides
USA Warm-up Book PowerPoint Slides

What Teacher Prep do I need to do to use the Ancient Art History Warm-ups?

  • Print a pdf workbook for each student double-sided on a color printer.
  • Print the first page on white cardstock (pages 1-2)
  • Print the remaining pages on regular white copy paper double-sided on a color printer.
  • Place one piece of black cardstock at the back of the book.
  • On the top and bottom of each book, place a transparent sheet.
  • Coil bind the book with a black coil.
  • Print a few extra books for new transfer / move-in students.

BINDING TIPS: I found the books hold up best with a coil binding. Place a clear cover on the front and back! I tried a black plastic one for the back page and it tore for many students.

How do I use the Ancient Art History Warm-Up Book?

  • There is a PowerPoint Slide for each daily prompt. (Terms 1 – 6)
  • If posting on Canvas or Google Classroom, I post a week at a time by saving off each week.
  • Familiarize yourself with the prompts the week before. You may edit each slide as needed for your student population.
  • Project the prompt on the screen before students enter the class.
  • Turn off at least one light in the class.
  • As students enter, they collect the books for their table/group.
  • Begin on warm-up as soon as students are at their seats. (This allows some extra time for response and sets the tone for the class.)
  • When the bell rings, introduce the slide quickly, then allow students to read and respond.
  • Take attendance and help with student emergencies.
  • Guide response discussion is best for your students – respond individually, pair-and-share, vote, express their thoughts, or walk around the room and give feedback on sketches.
  • Close warm-ups and use the rest of the class to work on projects.

Daily Art Warm-ups Tips and Procedures

See the post on tips and procedures for warm-ups here.